Quelle: Global Claims Review 2015: Business Interruption In Focus, Global trends and developments in business interruption claims, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty

Future trends

While not an identifiable emerging risk in itself, the effects of interconnectivity are of growing concern, and play an important role in many risks now appearing on the horizon. For example, interconnectivity is a key component of cyber risk, major power blackouts, climate change, solar storms and pandemics, to name just a few perils.

Interconnectivity is also driven by a growing reliance on technology and increasingly integrated infrastructure. For example, in 2014 a steel mill in Germany was damaged in a cyber-attack.

Power infrastructure, for example, was once localized and isolated, but today, energy supply and distribution are far more integrated and span entire continents. As a result of increased interconnectivity, a solar storm or a cyber-attack on a power grid could result in countrywide blackouts lasting days, or potentially weeks, with a multitude of knock-on effects, explains Bruch.

Merger of physical and digital worlds raises potential security risks and will further increase complexity

More awareness of risks linked to increasing interconnectivity and interdependency, and how they can be managed, is needed

Integration and connectivity have many benefits such as driving innovation, efficiencies and better service. But they also come with risks, particularly if interconnectivity continues unabated, without consideration for the riskrelated consequences.

There needs to be more awareness and understanding of the risks linked to increased levels of interconnectivity and interdependency, and more consideration given as to how we manage them.


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