Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Oktober 2015.

Die US University of Pittsburgh bietet zwischen 26. Jänner und 13. März 2015 den kostenlosen Online Kurs Disaster Preparedness an, der auch für die Leser dieses Blogs von Interesse sein könnte:

First, let me tell you that this is a course designed for the common person. We will not be talking about being prepared to live in an underground bunker for a year with everything you need to escape the worldwide apocalypse. We will be discussing how to survive relatively comfortably for 3 to 7 days without outside aid should a disaster strike, be it large or small. My disaster preparedness experience has been mostly in the United States, but I also traveled and was involved with the disaster response in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. That being said, much of what I will say is based on my knowledge and experience in the U.S. I am very interested in the application and adaptation of this information to the rest of the world. I think most of the basic information is pretty universal; we all have to be prepared.