Quelle: http://blog.iec61850.com

Why raise such a question on this blog that is about standards like IEC 60870-5-104 [IEC 60870 part 5 is one of the IEC 60870 set of standards which define systems used for telecontrol (supervisory control and data acquisition) in electrical engineering and power system automation applications.] and IEC 61850 [IEC 61850 is a standard for the design of electrical substation automation.] …? These are two good questions. Let’s discuss them briefly.

The Solar Eclipse 2015 and its impact on the power transmission system is discussed these days. The crucial issue is the minute-to-minute power gradient that may exceed between minus 400 MW/minute and plus 700 MW/minute; the highest gradient occurs when the PV in-feed returns at the end of the phase. This gradient may be managed by the TSO or not – who knows. We know it at lunch time on March 20, 2015.

There are many recommendations on the web, how to get prepared: having water, food, … for up to 10 days or so … I hope we will not need these.

@Question 2:

There is a need for the TSOs (just four in Germany!) to relay on good measurements from all-over in the grid and secure control possibilities to manage power plant in-feeds and substations. I guess they have good communication systems they can trust. These systems have been developed over many decades. They are tested and run reliably. Still. But what happens in future where we will have hundreds or millions of technical systems (embedded controllers …) that contribute to the system view and management?? Is this an issue at all?

Yes, it is a crucial issue. Let me discuss the following real-life incident reported last week:

A gateway in a virtual power plant provides the measured load on the network connection point of a CHP (combined heat and power) system. Normally the CHP feeds power into the network. But all in a sudden the VPP/TSO received a signal telling them a jump of the load from 0 MW to 600 MW!! Should the control center responsible for that part of the grid act or not? Hm. If this would be a real jump then it would have to react.

(Un)Fortunately the 600 MW jump was just a jump in the Value communicated!! It was caused by an error in the gateway (RTU kind of device). Was this value plausible? No. Because the CHP could just feed-in – not draw that much power from the grid.

IEC 61850 models add very useful information to help (a bit) keeping the power flowing. There are many other physical issues to take into account … but information and information exchange plays a crucial role!


Das Thema Smart (Grid, Meter, …) wird noch einige spannende Herausforderungen aufwerfen, auf die wir noch nicht wirklich vorbereitet sind. Die einzige Chance mit fehleranfälligen IT-Systemen umzugehen ist, Reichweitenbegrenzungen zu schaffen, um die Ausbreitung von möglichen Störungen begrenzen zu können. Das Konzept eines Energiezellensystems spielt dabei eine wesentliche Rolle. Siehe auch Plausibilisierung von Größen in einem Cyber-Physical-System.