Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. Oktober 2015.

Quelle: CNN

In fiscal year 2014, there were 79 hacking incidents at energy companies that were investigated by the Computer Emergency Readiness Team, a division of the Department of Homeland Security. There were 145 incidents the previous year.

Between April 2013 and 2014, hackers managed to break into 37% of energy companies, according to a survey by ThreatTrack Security.

Energy firms get hit with more spy malware than other industries, according to a 2014 study by Verizon

And just last month, CERT revealed that a Russian malware called BlackEnergy had found its way onto the software that controls electrical turbines in the United States.

… it’s easier to cause damage by shooting at power transformers with rifles — like snipers did last year in Silicon Valley.


Relevant ist nicht die absolute Zahl, sondern das die Energieversorgungsinfrastruktur verstärkt Ziel von Cyber-Angriffen ist. Auch wenn bisher nichts passiert ist, steigt mit der Anzahl der Störungen im System die Gefahr von Dominoeffekten. Zum anderen wissen wir nicht, wie oft Angriffe schon erfolgreich waren und gefährliche Hintertüren für einen physischen Angriff hinterlassen wurden.